
Vertical and Horizontal Time

story © Michael Betancourt, May 12, 2004 all rights reserved.


Typically we move between both the vertical and horizontal poles of looking in relation to time, even within a single frame.

vertical time 	         vs.        	horizontal time

	      immediate		            duration
	(frame)			(movement)
				shifts in recognition, 
                                understanding, seeing 
                                as a result of llength of 
                                viewing time, editing, etc.
Vertical		image we understand instantly
			immediate time is also a form of  still time 
			(i.e. time where duration is irrelevant)

Horizontal		image we understand in relation to other images, or
			after a period of contemplation
			(i.e. duration is significant)

Images can be understood in either way:

they encourage one or another interpretation as their initial reading/rendering with other readings following (this is only natural given that we look at different images in different ways depending on how they appear formally) interpretations are reified by our typical experiences (everyday interpretation gives the appearance of being determinate) but, often we use both types of time in concert.

With visual art these relationships shift more strongly.

Copyright © Michael Betancourt  May 12, 2004  all rights reserved.

All images, copyrights, and trademarks are owned by their respective owners: any presence here is for purposes of commentary only.