
Death & Taxes Show is Tonight

story © Michael Betancourt, April 15, 2004 all rights reserved.


The Death & Taxes Show is tonight. There will be an update on how it went provided later.

The Dorsch Gallery
8:30pm April 15, 2004
curated by Michael Betancourt

Here is the program line-up:

Timothy Inners,

Tony Gault,
Not Too Much Remember

Rohesia Hamilton Metcalft,
If Spring, Then Hope, And Also Winter

Kavek Askari,
An Enemy Anenome for You and Me

J. Raymond,
Otto von Goren

Ray Parla,
The Revolution of Super 8 Universe-a self-portrait
(on film)

Nearly all these movies have the character of found footage, or employ appropriated elements as part of their content. I find this particularly striking given the current tendency towards ever stricter controls and limitations on who can do what with things in “our” increasingly corporate-owned culture.

Copyright © Michael Betancourt  April 15, 2004  all rights reserved.

All images, copyrights, and trademarks are owned by their respective owners: any presence here is for purposes of commentary only.